Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pirates on my Ship

A ship on the horizon is chasing me
as well as the storm over open seas.
On the ship holds the pirates
that plunder and lie,
who only wants to see my spirit die.
So gruesome and violent
the daggers of theives,
come aboard my ship with lies and deceit.
Waves crashing as I struggle to stay alive.
Soon the mast breaks, then takes a dive.
Water comes over the bow and flows on the deck,
wreaking havoc all over my ship.
The pirates in my life are fighting to the death,
stealing and killing till there's nothing left.
The roar from the yelling and shouting,
leaves ears rnging, there's no doubting.
The waves keep crashing, the thunder, clapping.
The death of my spirit is what's happening.

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